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Offering transition to professional management, leadership capacity, and cross-functional teams "taking you where you want to grow".

Growth (grÅŒth) n. 1. the process of increasing in size and developing towards maturity, expansion 2. the alternative to death
Catalyst (kat’l ist) n. 1. that which brings about or inspires 2. a modifier, especially one that increases the rate of change by an outside agent
Growth Catalyst (grÅŒth kat’l ist) n. 1. Blue Martin Consulting 2. outside agent that inspires and facilitates beneficial change in the Bluegrass and beyond
As your business grows and changes, the expertise you need can fluctuate. When you’re looking for the right professional, it can seem daunting. You need someone with the right experience, who can hit the ground running. And you don’t want bloated project proposals from high-overhead firms with a large staff to pay.
I’m Vicki Martin and I know how to help businesses define barriers and seize opportunities. And I know how to find, cultivate, and lead talent. Chances are excellent I can take you where you want to grow.
Vicki S. Martin,
Managing Principal
Adam Caar

Contact | Tel: 859-469-1496
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